Hardwick Mountain Owners Association

Barboursville, Virginia

Hardwick Mountain Property Owners Association (HMPOA)

Snow/ice and our roads – an update and call for support
From HMPOA board to all lot owners

Newsletter: Winter 2017/2018

This notice is being emailed to all those for whom we have an email address and mailed to everyone else. Some notices are only sent via email due to cost, speed and ease. If you’d like to get all HMPOA newsletters, notices and updates, please send your email address to kai@hardwickmountain.org

We just had two unusual snow events in early January, which has resulted in some discussion about how we respond to snow and ice. This snow was unusual because of the extremely low temperatures we have had (making the roads colder and more prone to ice, and freezing the wet sand in roadside boxes), one of two snows was not predicted, both were too light to plow. Even so, our south slope was clear by 1 pm for first January snowfall, and 9 am for second. All roads were passable – although slippery in places – within 6 hours of snowfall ending

To date we have relied on a snow plow for heavy snows, and volunteers to finish off the snow on roadsides, clear driveway entrances, and clear ice. Many thanks to all who have done and continue to do that cold, hard and slippery work.

We are facing a changing situation with road care, which points to the need for a re-think. As many owners get older, they find it harder to leave cars at the entrance and walk home and back on snowy days. Simultaneously, those helping with snow and ice removal are less able and / or inclined to spend hours in cold weather helping clear snow off the roads. The result is more people driving on the roads and wanting those roads cleared, and fewer people doing the clearing. This will only get worse.

Snow and ice on our roads is a complicated issue; what follows is some new info, some old…


Variables / issues

What the HMPOA board is discussing
1. Safety, convenience and cost are our top concerns. We cannot be perfect in all three all the time. The board does not have the power to make safety requirements (e.g., 4wd or chains required), so it must rely on owners to make smart decisions about when, how and what to drive. Safety begins with each driver and his/her decisions (e.g., when and how to drive, type car and tires, etc.) The board, which is comprised of elected volunteer owners, does what it can to maintain the roads in good condition – given the constraints we work with. Board members cannot, nor should they be expected to, DO all the work; what we can do is to plan, manage and help clear. Each owner must help by making smart choices; we need owners who can to help with clearing, spreading grit/salt, helping communicate road conditions with other owners.

2. It is time to remind all owners of the background, and of some safety guidelines

3. We will continue to use Mark Lawson to plow when snow accumulation warrants this, and Carl will continue coordinating with Mark

4. Removing the pine trees from the top 300’ of Hardwick Mountain Drive allows the sun to warm the road and reduce the amount of freezing there. A nice success! We’ll look at removing some of the pines at the first turn in the road, which currently creates an icy area there.

5. We have researched options including grit/salt spreaders for a tractor or gator – but found them expensive and only workable with chains. We will continue to research options, and welcome your suggestions.

And a planned test:
6. We will set up ice response teams to help when there is ice on the roads that plows cannot remove. We will need volunteers to help with this test, and a team lead. We intend to try this on a limited basis for the remainder of this winter. The number of volunteer grit/salt spreaders we get will largely determine the feasibility of a wider implementation for next winter.

7. We will set up a small storage container in Turkey Ridge turnaround to store grit and salt. We will also replace the boxes on roadsides, and add grit and salt. We will try grit first, and use salt if/when grit doesn’t work.

The board invites your questions and input, as well as your continued support in helping clear snow and ice.

Research for this summary

Hardwick Mountain Property Owners Association
Board of Directors

John Barnhill, Treasurer treasurer@hardwickmountain.org
Kai Dozier    kai@hardwickmountain.org
Mark Hogan        mdcthogan@gmail.com
Steve Hovanic, Secretary stevehovanic@yahoo.com
Susan Jamme susan.jamme@gmail.com
Carl Prober, Vice President   carl.prober@gmail.com

This website and hardwickmountain.org are the property of Kai Dozier.
No Association funds have been used for this site.
©2009 Kai Dozier | All rights reserved.

Web Design: Deane's Creative Arts